Experienced both sides of the coin – Agency & Client,
and therefore this blog is for all the Account Managers, Account Directors, Creative
Team, Head of Agencies, Marketing Teams and last but not the least Chief
Marketing Officer. Some of the key findings are from Adtech 2013, New Delhi!
Questions (Agency)
– Why does the client always reject my idea? Why they never like our creative?
Why do they prefer offline agency over digital agency? Why so many changes in
the creative?
Questions (Client)
– Why don’t they understand? Why can’t they get a viral idea? Why they always
bring ideas which are expensive? Why can’t they think 360 degrees?
A small background dipstick to understand the agency – An
agency hires an account executive or Manager who caters to an average of 3-4
clients. They work from 10 am to 7:30 pm at-least and sometimes on Saturdays.
They do brainstorm but that is limited to that account and the brief received.
Now let us understand the Brands – All the Marketing Heads
are offline guys who very well execute ATL and BTL activities, they understand
the potential of Digital and thus hire either a Digital Marketing Manager or a
team for building Digital Strategies. But offline is priority to them.
One thing and the most important thing which I believe the
difference is, that the agency people are 24/7 engaged in doing routine tasks.
The priority for Agency Head is BD (Business Development) and not learning
& evolving the employees. There is no brainstorming and absolutely no
reference to case studies of what is happening beyond the existing clients and
outside India. They are extremely irritated of the daily routine & BD and
therefore there is no freshness in ideas that they bring to the clients.
One point which I would like to make to the agency people is
“Invest in yourself”. One day in at-least two weeks you all should see the case
studies and discuss within the team of what can be pitched to the client. Also,
agency heads should take their employees for such seminars or bring new ideas
to them so that the same ‘Tab’/ ‘Contest’ is not pitched to all the brands.
On the other hand, even the brands are also at fault. If
considered that the agency works only on the brief and does not give external
references or broad ideas then it is the brand also to be blamed. How?? Let me
explain – I recently visited Ad-tech New Delhi 2013 where there was a wonderful
session called “Marketing Master”. It was back to back case studies based on
what they have done on Digital platform. Learning was many but a point which
has stayed in my mind was from Manisha Lath of Axis Bank. She said for the
recent brief for Viral Videos of ProgressTogether.in, we called our creative
and Digital teams together. This insisted that whatever idea that comes out is
executable on both offline & online. It also meant that the entire brief was
equally shared between the agencies and they together brainstormed over the

Most of the brands follow the other route – They brief the
creative, they wait for the idea and after the idea is perceived, they call the
digital guys and tell them the brief. There is no going back for the client
even if it is not possible to execute it on Digital medium. And then who is
blamed – Digital guy obviously!
Marketing teams should also analyse that there is a huge
potential in Digital Marketing. And fresh ideas gonna be expensive. If Domino’s
Pizza does 10% of delivery sales through mobile app(data from adtech
presentation), then it was possible only because they acted timely on building
the app and off-course the invested in the app. However, sometimes agency should also consider
the budgets of the companies and accordingly mould the current ideas. Rather
than scrapping the idea which client cannot afford, present with a twist which
he can afford.
Again sharing an example from Adtech, Citi Bank did a
campaign Dil V/s Bill. It was sky-vertising integrated with a Twitter Campaign.
Check Google for details of the campaign but it was one the most thoughtful
campaign for the TG. And unlike brands which prefer FB over Twitter, this was a
different ball game all together.
Ending it with a piece of advice – “Blaming each other will
continue and will not benefit either. It is the time for co-creation of
content. Integrated campaigns performs best only if all the agencies along with the Brand’s Marketing Team sit
together, ideate, debate and conclude together”.